Custom Datatypes


Timely dataflow allows you to use a variety of Rust types, but you may also find that you need (or would prefer) your own struct and enum types.

Timely dataflow provides two traits, Data and ExchangeData for types that timely dataflow can transport within a worker thread and across threads.

The Data trait

The Data trait is essentially a synonym for Clone+'static, meaning the type must be cloneable and cannot contain any references with other than a static lifetime. Most types implement these traits automatically, but if yours do not you should decorate your struct definition with a derivation of the Clone trait:

struct YourStruct { .. }

The ExchangeData trait

The ExchangeData trait is more complicated, and is established in the communication/ module. The trait is a synonym for


where serde is Rust's most popular serialization and deserialization crate. A great many types implement these traits. If your types does not, you should add these decorators to their definition:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]

You must include the serde crate, and if not on Rust 2018 the serde_derive crate.

The downside to is that deserialization will always involve a clone of the data, which has the potential to adversely impact performance. For example, if you have structures that contain lots of strings, timely dataflow will create allocations for each string even if you do not plan to use all of them.

An example

Let's imagine you would like to play around with a tree data structure as something you might send around in timely dataflow. I've written the following candidate example:

extern crate timely;

use timely::dataflow::operators::*;

fn main() {
    timely::example(|scope| {
               .map(|x| TreeNode::new(x))
               .inspect(|x| println!("seen: {:?}", x));

// A tree structure.
struct TreeNode<D> {
    data: D,
    children: Vec<TreeNode<D>>,

impl<D> TreeNode<D> {
    fn new(data: D) -> Self {
        Self { data, children: Vec::new() }

This doesn't work. You'll probably get two errors, that TreeNode doesn't implement Clone, nor does it implement Debug. Timely data types need to implement Clone, and our attempt to print out the trees requires an implementation of Debug. We can create these implementations by decorating the struct declaration like so:

fn main() {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct TreeNode<D> {
    data: D,
    children: Vec<TreeNode<D>>,

This works for me! We see

    Echidnatron% cargo run --example types
       Compiling timely v0.8.0 (/Users/mcsherry/Projects/timely-dataflow)
        Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 5.33s
         Running `target/debug/examples/types`
    seen: TreeNode { data: 0, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 1, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 2, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 3, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 4, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 5, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 6, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 7, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 8, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 9, children: [] }

Exchanging data

Let's up the level a bit and try and shuffle our tree data between workers.

If we replace our main method with this new one:

extern crate timely;

use timely::dataflow::operators::*;

fn main() {
    timely::example(|scope| {
               .map(|x| TreeNode::new(x))
               .inspect(|x| println!("seen: {:?}", x));

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct TreeNode<D> {
    data: D,
    children: Vec<TreeNode<D>>,

impl<D> TreeNode<D> {
    fn new(data: D) -> Self {
        Self { data, children: Vec::new() }

We get a new error. A not especially helpful error. It says that it cannot find an exchange method, or more specifically that one exists but it doesn't apply to our type at hand. This is because the data need to satisfy the ExchangeData trait but do not. It would be better if this were clearer in the error messages, I agree.

The fix is to update the source like so:

extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct TreeNode<D> {
    data: D,
    children: Vec<TreeNode<D>>,

and make sure to include the serde_derive and serde crates.

    Echidnatron% cargo run --example types
        Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.07s
         Running `target/debug/examples/types`
    seen: TreeNode { data: 0, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 1, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 2, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 3, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 4, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 5, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 6, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 7, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 8, children: [] }
    seen: TreeNode { data: 9, children: [] }

Great news!