Creating Inputs

Let's start with the first thing we'll want for a dataflow computation: a source of data.

Almost all operators in timely can only be defined from a source of data, with a few exceptions. One of these exceptions is the to_stream operator, which is defined for various types and which takes a scope as an argument and produces a stream in that scope. Our InputHandle type from previous examples has a to_stream method, as well as any type that can be turned into an iterator (which we used in the preceding example).

For example, we can create a new dataflow with one interactive input and one static input:

extern crate timely;

use timely::dataflow::InputHandle;
use timely::dataflow::operators::ToStream;

fn main() {
    // initializes and runs a timely dataflow.
    timely::execute_from_args(std::env::args(), |worker| {

        let mut input = InputHandle::<(), String>::new();

        // define a new dataflow
        worker.dataflow(|scope| {

            let stream1 = input.to_stream(scope);
            let stream2 = (0 .. 9).to_stream(scope);



There will be more to do to get data into input, and we aren't going to worry about that at the moment. But, now you know two of the places you can get data from!

Other sources

There are other sources of input that are a bit more advanced. Once we learn how to create custom operators, the source method will allow us to create a custom operator with zero input streams and one output stream, which looks like a source of data (hence the name). There are also the Capture and Replay traits that allow us to exfiltrate the contents of a stream from one dataflow (using capture_into) and re-load it in another dataflow (using replay_into).